A.T. Still’s Approach to the Foot and Ankle
April 15-16, 2023
Oakland, California
Rue Tikker, DPM, was trained by, and worked for John Martin Hiss, MD, DO. Early in Dr. Hiss’ osteopathic career, he fell off a horse and sustained a severe ankle sprain. He traveled to Kirksville to get treated and work out the mechanics of foot and ankle injuries with Dr. Still. Dr. Hiss went on to open the largest foot and ankle clinic in the world in Los Angles. Dr. Tikker learned from Dr. Hiss and worked for him for years. Continuing Dr. Hiss’ work, Dr. Tikker has treated over 300,000 patients in his 55 year career and is arguably the world’s expert on manipulation of foot and ankle issues. He is a true gem and the closest living link we have to AT Still’s foot and ankle work. Please come and join us for this once in a lifetime opportunity to learn with Rue. He is 95, still going strong, and wants to teach one more class. We are having the course in Oakland close to his home so that he can easily come and share his wisdom. Class size is limited and is open to MD’s, DO’s, Dentists, Podiatrists, Physical Therapists and their respective students.
$650.00 Early Bird Registrations on or before February 15, 2023
$750.00 Registration On or After February 16, 2023
$50.00 Discount if you bring treatment table
Register with Alina 317-228-9270 or Email: iaocourses@gmail.com
Sequencing 1: The Art of Finding the Key
August 27-29, 2021, Indianapolis, IN
Sequencing Overview
When looking for where to start treatment in the body, there are many theories…mostly based on a “thought” paradigm (ie, “this complaint means that this structure is involved and that I should start here”). This approach can give inconsistent results and my be considered by some to be an allopathic approach to osteopathy.
Sequencing, originally developed by Fred Mitchell, Sr and further explained and expanded by Ed Stiles, is a way to palpate the body mechanically to find the key lesion or area to start. It is a principle based approach that is taught using a bony model, but, once learned, can be used to ascertain not only the most restricted layer (muscle bone, fluid, fascia, etc), but the most restricted part of that layer. This consistently reveals the key lesion.
Being principle based, sequencing always continues to grow and expand. The more you learn as a practitioner, the deeper and more things sequencing can reveal.
What we will cover in the course:
- Visual Cues
We will explore what we “see” in a patient and how to begin to interpret that information.
- Visual Diagnosis
Watching movement - like when the patient walks into the room, can reveal a wealth of information. We will examine more about what we “see”.
- Tensegrity
A term coined by Buckminster Fuller, tensegrity is way to explain how the architecture of the body is arranged. It presents a framework for understanding how the body develops an osteopathic dysfunction.
- Blended Palpation
One of the key concepts of developing excellent palpation skills, blended palpation is the art of finding just the right depth of pressure to get the most information from the body.
- Sequencing the Body:
Sequencing the cervicals
Sequencing the thorax
Sequencing the rib cage
Sequencing the upper extremity
Sequencing the lumbars
Sequencing the pelvis
Sequencing the sacrum
Sequencing the lower extremity
The basic principles are followed slowly throughout the body (discerning what each palpatory finding means) to locate the key lesion. Clinical correlations will be presented along the way to help further the learning.
This course is heavy on table time. You will be palpating many of the course participants to understand how the sequencing method works and how what you feel leads to a diagnosis and treatment.
At the end of this introductory course, the student will understand the use of the principles and how to apply them. Clinical use is required before the continuation of the material in Sequencing 2.
A Curved Tensegrity Approach to Cranial Osteopathy
(The Arbuckle Approach) - September 25-27, 2020
Indianapolis, IN
20-hours 1A CME anticipated
Beryl Arbuckle, DO, was one of Dr. Sutherland's first table trainers/assistants when he began teaching in the 1940’s and 50’s. Dr. Arbuckle had some differing ideas about how the cranium works and left assisting Dr. Sutherland to branch off and follow her own path. Dr. Arbuckle went on to focus on the buttresses and the dura mater of the head and how to diagnose and treat their restrictions. It is a completely unique way of addressing the head and adds another layer to Sutherland’s ideas on cranial osteopathy. Dr. Arbuckle’s work might now be called a curved tensegrity approach to cranial. Its diagnostics and treatments are different than what is taut in other cranial courses - you will learn to locate and treat taught fibers within the reciprocal tension membrane, dura, cranial fossa's and other membranes. You will also learn about altered motion in the buttresses and thickenings in the skull and strain patterns within in the dura itself (this is different from the bony patterns taught in the traditional cranial courses). This course is a necessary addition to anyone hoping to treat the cranium more effectively and completely. This is a principle based course (in contrast to a technique based course) that covers Dr. Arbuckle’s work as well as addressing the concept of tensegrity in the curved structures of the body - allowing the knowledge gained in the course to be applied to the head as well as the pelvis, rib cage, fascia, etc.
In addition to what Dr. Arbuckle discovered, the student will learn how these strains translate into patterns in the body. Some of these patterns are dental, some postural, some effect the organs, and some translate into patterns of altered body motion - such as scoliosis. Knowing how the patterns form can greatly assist in correcting them and helping your patient achieve greater health. We will explore through palpation of the entire body how to locate these patterns that lead you to think of Dr. Arbuckle’s work.
A Sutural Approach to Osteopathy in the Cranial Field
September 14-16, 2018, Indianapolis, IN.
This 24-hour introductory cranial course will focus on a biomechanical approach to cranial diagnosis and treatment that can be used quickly and effectively to treat patients for sutural cranial dysfunctions. This cranial approach has been effective in teaching osteopathic cranial manipulative medicine to both osteopathic and allopathic medical students, residents and practicing physicians. Unlike the membranous cranial approach, it is not hindered by suture dysfunctions. After sequencing the dysfunctions of the cranium, when a key sutural dysfunction is released, secondary sphenobasilar strain patterns resolve, limiting the need for the time consuming traditional membranous approach. In addition, the sutural approach can be integrated into a busy clinical practice.
This course will address suture dysfunctions of the vault, base and facial bones, their sacral connections and sequencing of the cranial and sacral dysfunctions.
Who can attend:
DO, MD, Dentist or students of those professions.
Who should take this course?
Anyone who desires a deeper understanding cranial sutures and their role in the cranium and its dysfunctions and how those restrictions can influence or hinder health.
Sequencing 1: The Art of Finding the Key
July 27-29, 2018, Indinapolis, IN
Sequencing Overview
When looking for where to start treatment in the body, there are many theories…mostly based on a “thought” paradigm (ie, “this complaint means that this structure is involved and that I should start here”). This approach can give inconsistent results and my be considered by some to be an allopathic approach to osteopathy.
Sequencing, originally developed by Fred Mitchell, Sr and further explained and expanded by Ed Stiles, is a way to palpate the body mechanically to find the key lesion or area to start. It is a principle based approach that is taught using a bony model, but, once learned, can be used to ascertain not only the most restricted layer (muscle bone, fluid, fascia, etc), but the most restricted part of that layer. This consistently reveals the key lesion.
Being principle based, sequencing always continues to grow and expand. The more you learn as a practitioner, the deeper and more things sequencing can reveal.
What we will cover in the course:
- Visual Cues
We will explore what we “see” in a patient and how to begin to interpret that information.
- Visual Diagnosis
Watching movement - like when the patient walks into the room, can reveal a wealth of information. We will examine more about what we “see”.
- Tensegrity
A term coined by Buckminster Fuller, tensegrity is way to explain how the architecture of the body is arranged. It presents a framework for understanding how the body develops an osteopathic dysfunction.
- Blended Palpation
One of the key concepts of developing excellent palpation skills, blended palpation is the art of finding just the right depth of pressure to get the most information from the body.
- Sequencing the Body:
Sequencing the cervicals
Sequencing the thorax
Sequencing the rib cage
Sequencing the upper extremity
Sequencing the lumbars
Sequencing the pelvis
Sequencing the sacrum
Sequencing the lower extremity
The basic principles are followed slowly throughout the body (discerning what each palpatory finding means) to locate the key lesion. Some clinical correlations will be presented along the way.
At the end of this introductory course, the student will understand the use of the principles and how to apply them. Clinical use is required before the continuation of the material in Sequencing 2.
The Bow and the Bowstring: from Postural Imbalance to Chronic Pain
Presented September 8-10, 2017, Indianapolis, IN.
Based on A.T. Still’s reference to the archery bow and its string, this course will introduce diagnosis and treatment of the mechanical midline and its structures. Although other courses have addressed the embryological, vascular and neurological midline, we will explore the physical structures that make up the midline, how to assess them for dysfunction and how, in what order, and when to treat them.
What do a tight linea alba, tongue tie, anosmia, recurrent knee pain, plantar fasciitis, and a chronically flexed vertebra all have in common? They can all occur from restricted midline structures. If your patients have pain, postural, hormone or growth issues or they are returning for the same complaint over and over - A.T. Still would suggest that we need to look at the Bow or the String for the possible cause. Abnormal tensions in these midline relationships can be the cause of chronic conditions that are difficult to treat otherwise.
The course will begin by exploring 3-D palpation to obtain a better sense of how tissues are supposed to move together. Analysis of 3-D palpation will uncover structural relationships between tissues and how they feel under the hands. This will guide us into diagnosis of the midline structural restrictions. As we explore the body’s regions and their structures, we will learn to feel the sequence or hierarchy of the structures and the restrictions they cause. Rational treatment of the restrictions and the impact on the body when freedom returns will then be examined.
A.T. Still’s Approach to the Foot and Ankle - Presentred on April 30/May 1, 2016 - Indianapolis, IN
Rue Tikker, DPM, was trained by, and worked for John Martin Hiss, MD, DO. Early in Dr. Hiss’ osteopathic career, he fell off a horse and sustained a severe ankle sprain. He traveled to Kirksville to get treated and work out the mechanics of foot and ankle injuries with Dr. Still. Dr. Hiss went on to open the largest foot and ankle clinic in the world in Los Angles. Dr. Tikker learned from Dr. Hiss and worked for him for years. Continuing Dr. Hiss’ work, Dr. Tikker has treated over 300,000 patients in his 55 year career and is arguably the world’s expert on manipulation of foot and ankle issues. He is a true gem and the closest living link we have to AT Still’s foot and ankle work. Please come and join us for this once in a lifetime opportunity to learn with Rue. Class size is limited.
Course Handouts (password given in class)
SI Joint Pain and Sacral Somatic Dysfunction, Presented in December 2015, Indianapolis, IN.
Lecture content (password available in class):
Pelvic Mechanics - the Mitchell Axis System
Prolotherapy/Trigger Point Therapy
A Sutural Approach to Osteopathy in the Cranial Field - Presented in August 2014, Indianapolis, IN, and coming again soon.
For more information, visit www.cranialsutures.com