The Source for Postgraduate Osteopathic Education in Indiana

About the Indiana Academy of Osteopathy

The Indiana Academy of Osteopathy is devoted to promoting and providing educational programs to further osteopathy in Indiana and other underserved areas.  Our goal is to enhance osteopathic manipulative medicine education for current DO’s, provide stimulating education for current students, and introduce osteopathic thought,  manipulation, and its usage to MD’s and other healthcare workers in the State.


Contact Us


515 East 750 North

Lebanon, IN 46052

American Osteopathic Association

American Academy of Osteopathy

Indiana Osteopathic Association

Osteopathic Cranial Academy

Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation

Osteopathic Courses

Our sister organizations: (for contact information on those without an active link, visit here)

     American Academy of Pediatric Osteopathy

     Arizona Academy of Osteopathy

     Florida Academy of Osteopathy

     Iowa Academy of Osteopathy

     New England Academy of Osteopathy

     New Jersey Academy of Osteopathy

     New York Academy of Osteopathy

     Northern California Academy of Osteopathy

     Northwest Academy of Osteopathy

     Ohio Academy of Osteopathy

     Pennsylvania Academy of Osteopathy

     Presque Isle Academy of Osteopathy

     Postgraduate American Academy of Osteopathy

     Puget Sound Academy of Osteopathy

     Rocky Mountain Academy of Osteopathy        

     Upper Mississippi River Osteopathic Study Group