Upcoming Courses

Mother using telemedicine to care for a sick child at home, combining health and comfort.
Crop unrecognizable orthopedist in uniform helping slender female in casual wear reaching arm with dumbbell in doctor office in hospital
A group of young people discussing ideas at a blackboard in a modern office setting.
Two professional women reviewing documents in a well-lit office setting.

Dental/Body Connection Course

April 11-13, 2025

Lebanon, Indiana


Could your mouth be the root cause of your dysfunction?  G.V. Black, the father of modern dentistry said “All disease starts in the mouth” - he could have been far more correct than he knew.   This course explores the mechanical connections that the teeth/mouth have with the rest of the body, but it does it in a new, never before presented, way.  This is not the course on the acupuncture meridians and how they show up in the teeth.  This is not a typical osteopathic ALF dental course.  This course is SO much more….

In this course we will cover:

- Strains (both embryologic and intraosseous) that occur in the teeth and their associated ligaments and how these strains can change the body during growth and how they also effect how orthodontia impacts the body.  

- The teeth and how they influence the cranium (individually and in groups) and cause or correct strain patterns will be discussed.  This portion leads into how to use that information to help adjust dental appliances.  

- How retained primitive reflexes can hinder therapy (because they dictate movement patterns in the body (and face and tongue), and how to quickly test to see if the ones that would hinder treatment are present.

- How the teeth can affect the eyes / vision and vice versa.  This is critically important for dentists to understand, because when the eyes and the teeth compete, the vision always has the right of way (i.e., it ultimately wins).  This may be why some of your patients struggle with their treatment.  We will talk about how to diagnose vision issues and who to send them to if they arise.  

- How dental strains / dysfunction / inadequate facial development can influence digestion, posture, your heart and lungs, your brain, etc. via Chapman’s reflex correlation with the mouth and teeth (and how to correct it using a team approach).

- How the teeth, palate, tongue and hyoid influence the spine (both positively and/or negatively) will also be tested.  This helps each practitioner know when their talents will best assist the patient and allows the patient to obtain a relaxed, neutral, upright posture.

At the end of the course the student will understand when to look at the mouth/oral structures, how to correct oral structures to bring about change in not only the oral cavity, but the rest of the body, and when to add in other dental professionals to obtain adequate and consistent results.  Come and discover if the teeth, mouth and tongue are influencing YOUR body and learn how to correct it (and how to better help all of your patients). 

This course is a must have for dentists using any orthodontic device, osteopaths and other manual therapists working with dentists and dental devices (whether those devices are currently in place or have been used historically), ENT's and oromyofunctional therapists.  The screening method taught in the course allows an interpretation of “who comes first” in the therapy process and how to proceed in treatment by allowing the patient's body to guide the way so that each practitioner gets to shine and the patient wins.

This course is open to anyone who has a heath care license and works with the mouth or the body. 

Starting in 2021, this course will be offered in TWO formats - the same material will be covered in each, but the lab times will be different.  One course format will be formatted for dentists and oromyofunctional therapists.  The labs will be geared toward discovering that this tooth is linked to that finding in the body (proving the concept).   The second format will be structured toward osteopaths and other body workers.  It will be geared toward more of the subtleties of palpating in the body the correlation between one tooth and the effects on the body that it can cause if it is dysfunctional.

Charlie’s thoughts on the course: what my wife and I have discovered over the last three years has completely changed my practice - this seems to be the missing piece of osteopathy and the bridge to help dentists, oromyofunctional therapists, osteopaths, ENT’s and others work together to transform patient's lives.

This course is the dental format.

Course fee is $1800.  Early bird registration (before Feb. 15) is $1650.

Register by calling 228-9270 or Email: iaocourses@gmail.com

or book online here.



Techniques for the Treatment of Long Covid

May 2-4, 2025

Home 2 Suites by Hilton, West Bloomfield, MI  


It is conservatively estimated that 10% of all people who contracted Covid-19, at least 65 million worldwide, have had Long Covid (LC) for which there is no established treatment.  The symptoms for Long Covid include: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Hair Loss, Brain Fog, Headaches, Fever Dizziness, Cough, Sore Throat, Difficulty Swallowing, Heart Palpitations, Sleep Disturbance, Fatigue, Skin Rashes, Weight loss, Nausea, Abdominal Pain, Anxiety, Depression and a long(er) list of other symptoms.  Currently, Western Medicine offers little to help these patients, even in the way of symptom relief.  This course will demonstrate techniques that Paul Hume, D.O. (N.Z.) has found useful in treating LC in his patients in Hamilton, New Zealand. 


Prerequisites: Minimum of one 40-hour introductory Cranial Course and 5 years of practice. Intermediate Cranial Course recommended.

Contact: T. Reid Kavieff, D.O., CSPOMM

(248) 926-6222


Cost: $1000 (Paid to T. Reid Kavieff, D.O., P.C.)





Functional Treatment Methods

May 16-18, 2025

Indianapolis, Indiana

First developed by Hoover, and further elucidated by Stiles and his mentors (primarily George Andrew Laughlin, DO), functional treatment involves taking the body part being treated to its position of ease and allowing it to gently unwind.  Functional treatment can also be used effectively as a direct treatment.  It is easy on the patient and the practitioner, and can be used on any age patient, from newborns to centenarians.  This course teaches how to use the principles of functional treatment for all parts of the body and how to stack body parts to unwind some traumas that can’t be treated any other way (sometimes an accident can place forces into the body that need to be undone simultaneously).  Functional can be applied seated, standing, prone or supine and can be used on any body part from the head to the feet.  It is gentle on the patient as well as the practitioner.  The results from a functional treatment seem to last longer than other methods (possibly because the patient’s body, not the practitioner, guides the treatment).  Ed Stiles will be bringing his knowledge and over 50 years of wisdom to this course to share with the students.  It is not one to be missed.

Course fee is $1250.  Early bird registration (before April 15) is $1000.

Register by calling 317-228-9270 or Email: iaocourses@gmail.com or book online here.



Retained Primitive Reflexes 

June 6-7, 2025

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma


Primitive reflexes are either retained from birth/childhood because they do not integrate for some reason or because the person has enough trauma to cause the body to regress and bring the reflex back.  They can contribute to many symptoms in the patient and have even been misdiagnosed as autism/ADHD/Cerebral Palsy.  There are 70 documented reflexes that should integrate into the body.  We will explore around 20 of those reflexes in the course.  Using a principle-based approach means that you can look up the symptoms and testing of the reflexes that are not covered in the course and immediately be able to treat them.  What makes our course unique is that we demonstrate how to evaluate/treat integration problems (brain “wiring” issues), spiritual issues (belief system challenges), emotional issues (overwhelming emotion) and physical issues (such as trauma).  This treatment approach generates results far faster than other approaches.  It also allows you to help understand the “story” the retained reflexes are telling - was the reflex retained from birth, or has it come back due to trauma?  Treating the retained reflexes can profoundly impact the patient and help to release trauma and restrictions that no other treatment can.

Course fee is $1100.  Early bird registration (before May 5) is $900.

Register by calling 317-228-9270 or Email: iaocourses@gmail.com or book online here.



A Sutural Approach to Cranial Osteopathy

July 11-13, 2025

Lebanon, Indiana


Cranial sutures are the name of the joints between the skull bones of the head. The sutures allow movement of the individual bones of the skull in relationship to one another.  The space in between the bones is filled by very specialized ligaments called Sharpey’s Fibers.  These fibers allow the joints to move and “float” without completely separating.  This movement, and its freedom, is part of what allows our body to remain healthy.  The sutures also contain nerves and blood vessels.  These are what send the signals to our body that a stuck suture may not be “right” (we might experience a headache, for example).  Freeing the restrictions of the bones can alleviate these symptoms.  

William Garner Sutherland taught the sutural approach to AT Still’s grandson, George Laughlin, at the first cranial course.  He did not share this approach with the rest of the students.  George taught it to Ed Stiles, who practiced it for years in Norman, Oklahoma before coming to Pikeville, KY to teach osteopathic principles and practice to students.  Working with the sutures is entirely different from the membranous approach taught in other cranial courses.  Typically, treating the sutures allows the practitioner to go deeper, faster than the membranous approach - and, in many cases, to achieve more profound and lasting results.  There are also restrictions that won’t free any other way.  It is a powerful treatment tool that is not commonly taught in osteopathic education - anywhere in the world.  

Course fee is $1250.  Early bird registration (before June 10) is $1000.

Register by calling 317-228-9270 or Email: iaocourses@gmail.com or book online here.



Applied Kinesiology: Applied Muscle Testing Comes Alive

August 16-17, 2025

Indianapolis, Indiana

Applied Kinesiology is a unique system of diagnosis and treatment that utilizes manual muscle testing to determine the underlying factors responsible for somatic dysfunctions. Each muscle in the body has been correlated with a specific organ or gland, acupuncture meridian, Chapman’s reflex, Bennett’s reflex, nutritional need, cranial stress receptor, or other significant treatment modality. A protocol is taught that systematically seeks out the specific therapies needed by the patient to achieve a healing response.

Applied Kinesiology began over 60 years ago and has continued to evolve as a powerful force in the healing arts. The founder, Dr. George Goodheart, Jr., has expanded upon the viscero-somatic concept to include the major muscles of the body in addition to the traditional spinal-level relationships.

The benefits of learning Applied Kinesiology are many. One learns to artfully test all the major muscle groups in the body. This helps us find the exact weakness pattern underlying a patient complaint (e.g. shoulder, knee or back complaint). On the more advanced level, the Applied Kinesiologist acquires a powerful algorithm for working through patient problems. This algorithm integrates novel concepts of holographic neurology with the treatment techniques of numerous other healing arts. Applied Kinesiology is quite helpful in working with chronic and recurrent somatic dysfunctions.  Any specific questions about the course can be directed to www.doctorjaysandweiss.com.

Course fee is $1250.  Early bird registration (before July 15) is $1000.

Register by calling 317-228-9270 or Email: iaocourses@gmail.com or book online here.




Mitchell Meets Sutherland: Linking the Cranium and the Sacrum

September 12-14, 2025

Lebanon, Indiana


The new course explores the connection between Mitchell’s pelvic axes diagnoses and Sutherland’s cranial diagnoses.  We will learn how to get the sacrum and pelvis completely free during the walking/gait cycle, and then how to integrate the movement of the sacrum during walking/running into the cranium via the dura mater.  This involves seated/standing cranial diagnosis and treatment and learning how each of the cranial bones move during the gait cycle.  One we establish the freedom in the sacrum/pelvis and then the occiput, we will follow the gait movement through the sphenoid and the remainder of the bones in the head to ensure that all of the body is moving correctly with gait motion.

This course is structured toward biomechanical relationships in the head and the sacrum.  It is set up and taught as an “a is connected to b via this structure” and "when x moves in this way, y moves in this way because of this anatomical connection”.  It paves the way for a membranous and biodynamic treatment approach later.  It is the first course of its kind presented anywhere and is a foundational course for understanding why your patients can literally walk themselves back into their pattern of dysfunction (and wind up back in your office with the same complaint).

Course fee is $1250.  Early bird registration (before August 11) is $1000.

Register by calling 317-228-9270 or Email: iaocourses@gmail.com or book online here.




A Curved Tensegrity Approach to Cranial Osteopathy 

(the Arbuckle Approach)

October 17-19, 2025

Lebanon, Indiana


Beryl Arbuckle, DO, was one of Dr. Sutherland's first table trainers/assistants when he began teaching in the 1940’s and 50’s.  Dr. Arbuckle had some differing ideas about how the cranium works and left assisting Dr. Sutherland to branch off and follow her own path.  Dr. Arbuckle went on to focus on the buttresses and the dura mater of the head and how to diagnose and treat their restrictions.  It is a completely unique way of addressing the head and adds another layer to Sutherland’s ideas on cranial osteopathy.  Dr. Arbuckle’s work might now be called a curved tensegrity approach to cranial.  Its diagnostics and treatments are different than what is taught in other cranial courses - you will learn to locate and treat taught fibers within the reciprocal tension membrane, dura, cranial fossa's and other membranes.  You will also learn about altered motion in the buttresses and thickenings in the skull and strain patterns within in the dura itself (this is different from the bony patterns taught in the traditional cranial courses).  This course is a necessary addition to anyone hoping to treat the cranium more effectively and completely.  This is a principle based course (in contrast to a technique based course) that covers Dr. Arbuckle’s work as well as addressing the concept of tensegrity in the curved structures of the body - allowing the knowledge gained in the course to be applied to the head as well as the pelvis, rib cage, fascia, etc.  

In addition to what Dr. Arbuckle discovered, the student will learn how these strains translate into patterns in the body.  Some of these patterns are dental, some postural, some effect the organs, and some translate into patterns of altered body motion - such as scoliosis.  Knowing how the patterns form can greatly assist in correcting them and helping your patient achieve greater health.  We will explore through palpation of the entire body how to locate these patterns that lead you to think of Dr. Arbuckle’s work.

Course fee is $1250.  Early bird registration (before September 16) is $1000.

Register by calling 317-228-9270 or Email: iaocourses@gmail.com or book online here.



Dental/Body Connection Course

November 7-9, 2025

Lebanon, Indiana


Could your mouth be the root cause of your dysfunction?  G.V. Black, the father of modern dentistry said “All disease starts in the mouth” - he could have been far more correct than he knew.   This course explores the mechanical connections that the teeth/mouth have with the rest of the body, but it does it in a new, never before presented, way.  This is not the course on the acupuncture meridians and how they show up in the teeth.  This is not a typical osteopathic ALF dental course.  This course is SO much more….

In this course we will cover:

- Strains (both embryologic and intraosseous) that occur in the teeth and their associated ligaments and how these strains can change the body during growth and how they also effect how orthodontia impacts the body.  

- The teeth and how they influence the cranium (individually and in groups) and cause or correct strain patterns will be discussed.  This portion leads into how to use that information to help adjust dental appliances.  

- How retained primitive reflexes can hinder therapy (because they dictate movement patterns in the body (and face and tongue), and how to quickly test to see if the ones that would hinder treatment are present.

- How the teeth can affect the eyes / vision and vice versa.  This is critically important for dentists to understand, because when the eyes and the teeth compete, the vision always has the right of way (i.e., it ultimately wins).  This may be why some of your patients struggle with their treatment.  We will talk about how to diagnose vision issues and who to send them to if they arise.  

- How dental strains / dysfunction / inadequate facial development can influence digestion, posture, your heart and lungs, your brain, etc. via Chapman’s reflex correlation with the mouth and teeth (and how to correct it using a team approach).

- How the teeth, palate, tongue and hyoid influence the spine (both positively and/or negatively) will also be tested.  This helps each practitioner know when their talents will best assist the patient and allows the patient to obtain a relaxed, neutral, upright posture.

At the end of the course the student will understand when to look at the mouth/oral structures, how to correct oral structures to bring about change in not only the oral cavity, but the rest of the body, and when to add in other dental professionals to obtain adequate and consistent results.  Come and discover if the teeth, mouth and tongue are influencing YOUR body and learn how to correct it (and how to better help all of your patients). 

This course is a must have for dentists using any orthodontic device, osteopaths and other manual therapists working with dentists and dental devices (whether those devices are currently in place or have been used historically), ENT's and oromyofunctional therapists.  The screening method taught in the course allows an interpretation of “who comes first” in the therapy process and how to proceed in treatment by allowing the patient's body to guide the way so that each practitioner gets to shine and the patient wins.

This course is open to anyone who has a heath care license and works with the mouth or the body. 

Starting in 2021, this course will be offered in TWO formats - the same material will be covered in each, but the lab times will be different.  One course format will be geared toward dentists and oromyofunctional therapists.  The labs will be geared toward discovering that this tooth is linked to that finding in the body (proving the concept).   The second format will be geared toward osteopaths and other body workers.  It will be geared toward more of the subtleties of palpating in the body the correlation between one tooth and the effects on the body that it can cause if it is dysfunctional.

Charlie’s thoughts on the course: what my wife and I have discovered over the last three years has completely changed my practice - this seems to be the missing piece of osteopathy and the bridge to help dentists, oromyofunctional therapists, osteopaths, ENT’s and others work together to transform patient's lives.

This course is the dental format.

Course fee is $1800.  Early bird registration (before October 6) is $1650.

Register by calling 317-228-9270 or Email: iaocourses@gmail.com or book online here.

Want to connect?

Reach out to us at iaocourses@gmail.com

© Copyright 2025,  Indiana Academy of Osteopathy